September 20, 2023

Short-Term Rental Investments Unveiled: Understanding Cap Rate, Cash on Cash, and Cash Flow

Brendan Thompson


Investing in short-term rentals can be a lucrative opportunity, but it requires a solid grasp of key investor terms. Cap Rate, Cash on Cash, and Cash Flow are vital metrics that enable you to evaluate the profitability and potential returns of your investments. In this blog post, we will delve into these essential concepts and guide you on how to utilize them effectively for maximizing returns on your Airbnb, VRBO, or properties.

Cap Rate (Capitalization Rate):

Cap Rate is a widely used metric that helps investors assess the profitability and value of an investment property. It is calculated by dividing the Net Operating Income (NOI) of a property by its purchase price or current market value, and is expressed as a percentage.

Key considerations for evaluating Cap Rate:

  • Evaluate potential investments: Cap Rate allows you to compare different investment opportunities and assess their relative profitability. A higher Cap Rate indicates a higher potential return on investment.
  • Consider market conditions: Cap Rates vary across different markets, and real estate is often “hyper local”, so it's essential to research and understand the prevailing rates in your target area. This will help you identify properties with attractive investment potential.
  • Account for risk and expenses: While Cap Rate provides a snapshot of potential returns, it's crucial to factor in operating expenses, vacancy rates, and potential future maintenance costs to get a more accurate assessment of profitability.

Cash on Cash Return:

Cash on Cash (CoC) Return measures the return on investment based on the cash flow generated by the property relative to the initial investment made by the investor. It is calculated by dividing the pre-tax cash flow by the total cash invested and is expressed as a percentage.

Key considerations for evaluating Cash on Cash Return:

  • Assess investment performance: CoC Return provides a clear picture of the cash flow generated relative to the initial investment. A higher CoC Return indicates a better return on the capital invested.
  • Account for financing: If you have obtained financing for your investment property, consider factoring in mortgage payments and interest expenses to calculate the actual cash invested and obtain a more accurate CoC Return.
  • Evaluate risk and opportunity costs: CoC Return helps you compare the returns on different investment opportunities and assess whether the cash flow generated from the property aligns with your investment goals.

Cash Flow:

Cash Flow refers to the net income generated by an investment property after deducting all operating expenses and debt service. It is a vital metric that measures the profitability and sustainability of an investment.

Strategies for optimizing Cash Flow:

  • Accurate expense tracking: Maintain meticulous records of all expenses related to your short-term rental property, including mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, utilities, maintenance costs, and management fees.
  • Optimize rental income: Continuously monitor and adjust rental rates to maximize revenue while remaining competitive in the market.
  • Minimize vacancies and maximize occupancy: Implement effective marketing strategies, maintain a high-quality listing, and provide exceptional guest experiences to attract more bookings and reduce downtime.


Understanding key investor terms like Cap Rate, Cash on Cash, and Cash Flow is crucial for making informed decisions and maximizing returns on your short-term rental investments. By evaluating properties based on their Cap Rate, assessing Cash on Cash Return to determine the return on investment, and optimizing Cash Flow through effective expense management and revenue generation, you can build a profitable portfolio on platforms like Airbnb, VRBO, or 

Lucky for you, our team at strIQ has put all of this information together based on all available data in one source-our mobile application. With a strIQ account, you can instantly see projected CoC, Cash Flow and Cap Rate at a moment’s notice on any active property. Stay ahead of the curve by utilizing these important metrics and making data-driven investment choices that lead to long-term success.